The fact you are looking at our website shows that you are one of the growing many who appreciate the importance of a workplace’s role in helping staff to maintain their emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. We celebrate you!
Wellbeing App has been created to be, if you will, a smoke detector for your staff’s current state of being. While the app cannot determine the reason for a staff member’s state of being, it can alert the employer to an issue that may need further attention and care.
The amended Work Health and Safety Regulations prescribe how duty holders must identify and manage hazards and risks to workers psychological health and safety.
Organisations need to consider and review approaches to managing psychosocial risks and fostering mentally healthy workplaces. This includes engaging and consulting with workers.
Comcare has guidance on psychosocial hazards, and a range of education products for psychological health and safety, available through our Learning Management System. New education products including webinars continue to be developed.
We have established a dedicated unit within our WHS inspectorate to focus on regulation of psychosocial hazards and associated risks.
You can view full information on the regulatory changes at the Australian
Government's ComCare website @
Wellness App enables you to more efficiently and
effectively stay on top of your employees wellbeing
through automated check-ins.
If you are a HR Manager or in the People and Culture area of the organisation and looking for a system that is quick to set-up, very easy for your staff to complete, and makes sure the important information collected is easily accessible, Wellbeing App is the right choice.
In just a few minutes you can be checking in with your staff, letting them know that the business they work for cares about their wellbeing.
Quick, easy, fun for staff to complete. It takes just seconds.
With all responses being anonymised, staff will feel
comfortable being open and honest with Wellness App.
Wellbeing App is here to help you and your staff engage on the important issues that have impacts across their lives and the life that is where they work.
Find out