Look after your staff, and they will look after you.

start caring more

Home & Work

In 2022 businesses around the world have woken up to the importance of being partners with their employees in their day-to-day lives, and not just the place they have to go to earn money to pay rent, bills, a mortgage, putting their children through school etc.

The Culture is Important!

In addition to their greater care for staff, businesses have realised the importance of keeping staff in the business, and not having to go through the time and great expense of finding staff to those who have left for greener pastures; this is especially true for staff who have moved company due to the promise of a better culture at the new place of work!

have happier staff

Staff is Costly

Did you know that the cost of replacing, onboarding and upskilling a new staff member can be from 30-50% of their annual wage, up to the equivalent of two years of their salary? This LinkedIn article even has the loss up to 4x the salary of a high-level executive.

Care about your staff

By actively caring about the wellbeing of staff, your business can reduce turnover, improve staff morale, and increase productivity among the

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